Pågående forskningsprosjekter

Experiencing American Democracy (ExAm): Nordic Encounters in Transnational Perspective

The ’love and hate’ of American democracy is a global and historical phenomenon and feeling. In Experiencing American Democracy (ExAm), our research group explores how this unfolded and was evoked for Nordic men and women, their communities and organizations, commemorations and narratives, from the early 1800s until the present. Few countries have had more emigrants traveling to the United States than the Scandinavians.

Voicing democracy

The Voicing Democracy Research Group will explore democracy and citizenship in Norway through the study of historical and contemporary texts. As texts are central to almost all areas of democratic life, practical studies of texts provide a unique opportunity to understand the conditions, variations and challenges to citizenship. By studying a wide range of textual practices through which citizenship is shaped and enacted, the group set forth to produce new understandings of the particularities of Norwegian citizenship and how it is affected by forces of digitalization and globalization.


Biografien om Finn Gustavsen. Utgitt på Manifest forlag 2020


Politisk autoritet i Norge

Prosjektet ble avsluttet med boken Ansiktet foran makten, Novus 2017.

Det undersøker politisk lederskap mellom politikken og folket, mellom beslutningene og tilslutningen til dem, om den tilliten som lederen må skape og hente i offentligheten. Det ser på politisk lederskap over tid, både generelt og konkret, om politikkens mest personlige og synlige side, i et demokrati derfor også en av dens viktigste. I alle politiske systemer artikuleres politisk makt som person-makt. Makten legemliggjøres, den tilskrives mennesket. Men hvordan?

The Euromissiles and the media 1979-1983

Many of the dramatic events in 1989 and following years were outcomes of events a decade earlier, when the battle of the NATO dual-track decision took place in many West European countries. There are two contrasting conclusions of the events one arguing that the dual-track decision of December 1979 lead to a new dangerous situation for Europe. The contrasting view is that the deployment of the missiles shifted the momentum to the west and subsequently to the defeat of Soviet policy. Similarly, the judgements of the situation at the time were diametrically opposite of one another: The NATO idea was to connect Western Europe closer to the US and so cancel any Sovjet ideas that a war could be limited to Europe. Such missiles would shift the ability from massive nuclear deterrence to ‘flexible response’ and deter Soviet from any aggression against Europe.